Final Release Notes for Second Life 1.12.0[]
- 1.12.0(15) August 25, 2006[]
Bug fixes[]
- Fixed a viewer crash when opening the bug reporter.
- 1.12.0(14) August 25, 2006[]
New features[]
- The map Beacon has been visually enhanced
- "Mute by Name" allows you to manually add objects or Residents to your Mute List
Other changes[]
- Usability improvements to the Abuse Reporter UI layout
- Dialog boxes removed from AR snapshots
- Added field for Abuse Location (if different from present location)
- Abuse reports concerning copyright claims will be directed to the DMCA protocol
- Abuse Reports require all fields (except object selection) to be filled in (prevents blank Abuse Reports)
- "Wear Clothing Now" is off by default when buying clothing
- Reinstated Parcel Size to the About Land dialog
- Automatic Edit Camera Movement preference is now Off by default
Bug fixes[]
- Fixed Z coordinate being ignored when teleporting via the map
- Fixed group members with only the invite ability inviting others to Everyone
- Fixed script event change() not firing when script dropped into object inventory
- Fixed assigning a group role to multiple people
- Fixed group General tab updating display of member roles
- Fixed Gesture text fields only accepting a single character
- Fixed the Reset button for covenants
- Text fields should now scroll one character at a time
- Fixed Fast Timers scrolling off the screen
- Fixed Group Land not always displaying all parcels
- Fixed sun flashing orange when right-clicking an object
- Fixed Residents being asked to buy passes to land that is also restricted to group members
- Group members with "ban list" ability can now change "deny by payment method"
- Fixed Help->Manage My Account
- Instances of "Find" renamed to "Search" for consistency
- No-fly icon checks the parcel's fly restriction instead of the avatar's (displays in god mode)
- UI space for money display increased to prevent overlap
- Fixed parcel names overlapping UI elements at the top of the screen
- Fixed textures stretching while Stretch Textures is off
- 1.12.0(13) August 23, 2006[]
New features[]
- Support for Covenants
- Covenants may now be associated with Estates
- These documents detail land use rules and restrictions
- Available in About Land
- Covenants are visible to anyone
- Estate Land Sales
- Estate owners/managers are now able to sell land to other Residents for L$
- “Allow Land Resell�? Allows estate owners and managers to set the land for further resale beyond the initial buyer. The land can be set to sell at any time, however, without this option enabled.
- Estate owners/managers may specify rules for land sale and usage in Covenants
- Buyers of the land on private estates may be limited in their ability to re-sell land depending on settings determined by Estate owner/manager
- Group land on estate has been changed
- Land on estates, owned by a group or by anyone other than the estate owner, can no longer be subdivided or joined
- Only parcels that are owned by the estate owner can be subdivided
- Only Estate Owners and Estate Managers can subdivide the estate owner’s parcels
- Group Enhancements
- Group limit per user increased from 15 to 25
- Group member minimum reduced from 3 to 2
- The group information user interface has been redesigned
- Group Notices
- Group notices can be created in the ‘Group Information > Notices’ tab
- Group notices can include an attachment
- Group notices are sent to all group members
- Members may opt to not receive these notices in the ‘Group Information > General’ tab
- Members can browse the last 30 days of notice history
- Members with IM to Email set will receive these notices offline
- Group Roles
- Groups can be configured using the ‘Group Information > Members & Roles’ tab
- A group is now composed of up to 10 user-configured Roles
- The “Everyone�? and “Owner�? roles count for these purposes
- Group powers to return objects from parcels are divided based on Owned by group, Set to group, and Not group related
- Residents may hold more than one Role in a group
- Each role can be configured to allow certain group Actions
- Each role gets its own title
- Members of a group are assigned to Roles to define the Actions they can perform in that group
- Group members are always a part of that group’s ‘Everyone’ role
- Example:
- Current groups have two Roles: ‘Everyone’ and ‘Officer’
- All group members can do Actions allowed by the ‘Everyone’ role, such as voting on proposals
- Only group members assigned to the ‘Officer’ role can do Actions such as invite new members
- Groups now have a special role: ‘Owner’
- ‘Owners’ have full control over the group, but cannot remove other ‘Owners’
- Promoting group members to Owner warns user that this change is irreversible
- The last owner of a group cannot leave without selecting a successor
- Current groups will have members selected to be ‘Owners’ based on the first to match these rules:
- 1) A founder in the group
- 2) Officers with 512 or more sq. m. land contributed
- 3) All officers
- 4) Nobody (no ‘Owner’ role is created)
- Owner and Everyone roles cannot be renamed
- New Sell Land interface
- Specify sell price, Sell To resident, and sale of objects all simultaneously
- Residents muse specify a specific resident or manually select “Sell to Anyone�? before the dialog is completed
- This new interface should greatly reduce accidental land sales
Improved Snapshot Interface
- “Freeze Frame�? toggle added to snapshots
- Remove checkbox to restore old snapshot behavior
LSL changes[]
- Scripts will not start running until the “Running�? box is manually checked
- The following script commands now work on group-owned objects:
- llGiveInventory
- llGiveInventoryList
- llInstantMessage
- llRemoteLoadScriptPin
Other changes[]
- New tools have been added to the Debug menu (accessed by SHFT-CTRL-ALT-D or CTRL-OPT-D on Mac), which has been split into two menus: Client and Server.
- Selection effect particles can now be disabled independently (Tools->Show Selection Beam)
- Group-owned objects can be muted
- If a group owned object offers you an item, the blue box will say “Keep�?, “Discard�?, and “Mute�?
- Mute adds the group to your Mute List and all objects owned by that group will be muted
- Muted group owned objects will not be able to IM you or send you items
- Group elections have been removed
- Provided greater visibility for any fee incurred while joining a group
- Group membership now uses the membership fee at the time of invitation instead of the fee at the time invitation is accepted
- Group-owned objects that you have control over are now highlighted on the mini-map.
- “Show in Group List�? checked by default
- Added ability to deny access to Parcels/Estates based on Pay Info Level
- “Grant Modify Rights�? has been changed to be more comprehensive
- You can now allow the person being granted rights greater freedom of modification
- Friends list now shows when modify rights are granted
- Default attachment point changed from head to right hand
- Reversed positions of “Take Copy�? and “Wear�? in pie menu
- Icon for push restriction added
- “Edit Land�? is now “Edit Terrain�?
- Altered formula for temp-on-rez limits (generally to be more permissive)
- Temp vehicles are not reclaimed until all passengers unsit
- Improved wording of error message while joining parcels on an estate (parcels must be owned by estate owner)
- Parcel joins and subdivides uncheck the For Sale box
- Ban list now disables when a parcel is sold
- In-world links to the Forums and Wiki now point to the Knowledge Base and Blogs
- Clicking in text fields in Edit Tools selects the input position without highlighting the entire field
- Ctrl-F now puts keyboard focus on the Find text box
- Added art for eyedropper
- “No Fly�? is visible in God mode
- Font information for scroll list headers can now be provided by the user
- Improved look and feel of several windows
Bug fixes[]
- Fixed tracking residents via Show on Map
- Fixed default button highlighted while other button selected
- Fixed button states during mouseovers
- Fixed dragging item into object contents
- Fixed a simulator crash with notices
- Fixed persistence of Global Time in Region/Estate
- Fixed incoming IMs stealing focus from Abuse and Bug reports
- Fixed a client crash with “Set Scripts Not Running in Selection�?
- Fixed alignment of Search window panels
- Improved detection of rapid mouse clicks
- Camera and movement controls do not gain keyboard focus
- Camera and movement controls persist across sessions
- Fixed a client crash while connecting to downed simulator
- Fixed a client crash with F1 Help
- Frontmost floater gets Return key only if it has keyboard focus
- Improved appearance of alpha objects in Object Silhouette mode
- Objects with “No Copy�? permissions should delete to owner
- Fixed client crash with chat bar and “Kick user from estate�?
- Fixed Name and Description highlighting after Return is pressed
- Fixed Z-coordinate in classified ads
- Fixed LSL XML-RPC for attachments breaking on teleport
- Fixed returned object continuing to affect sim prim usage
- Crash Reporter remembers its previous settings
- Fixed client crash and asset loss while editing complex objects
- Fixed artifacts in LOD changes
- Dragging past the end of a text field no longer scrolls the text
- Aspect ratio corrects when toggling fullscreen
- Edit menu now has a detach option for skirt layers
- Fixed a cause of slow rezzing of textures and tree details
- Fixed an issue that would prevent simstate autosaves
- Fixed a bug causing region crossing performance to degrade in 1.11
- Fixed text in several windows and improved tool tips
- Several actions have been updated so that the Apply button can be used when modifying them
- Group creation failure no longer charges you for creating group
- Client no longer crashes when copying a selection in the Create menu
- Clicking Cancel when changes need to be applied no longer stops Second Life client from closing
- Crossing a region into a parcel where you are banned no longer causes avatar to float through parcel or go into orbit
- Corrected issue causing Estate Owners to get unexpected results when teleporting to a parcel where they are banned on their estate
- Last item in a list can once again be highlighted and selected
- Declined objects are correctly removed from recipients inventory
- Delete key now works as expected in the Tools > Edit window
- Client no longer crashes when right clicking certain parcels
- Group names cannot be shorter than 4 characters or longer than 35 characters
- Abandoned parcels on the mainland now properly report owner as ‘Governor Linden’
- Client no longer crashes when user selects land over two parcels, then clicks “About Land�?
- Autoreturn settings can now be changed
- User is now notified when receiving snapshots, notecards, and landmarks
- Apply now updates all changed elements in a window
- Correct various “Apply�? buttons to grey out once clicked
- Group-owned objects appear as “owned�? in About Land -> Objects when on group owned land
- Ctrl-D (duplicate) now works on group-owned objects with the proper permissions
- Land owners can always fly on their parcel (unless the entire sim restricts flight)
- Fixed a bug that caused the Create Group dialog to discard all data if the group name already exists
- Resolved numerous issues with scroll lists causing information not to load or be displayed improperly
- Group contribution no longer displayed as a negative number
- Mainland parcels now displayed in map overlay regardless of your location
- Residents can now retrieve no-modify objects they own from other people’s parcels
- Resolved several exploits
Linux client fixes[]
- No linux client specific fixes in this version
Preview Release Notes for Second Life 1.12.0[]
- 1.12.0(11) August 21, 2006[]
Bug fixes[]
- Clicking Group Info Refresh now clears any pending changes
- The Group Info Refresh button has a forced delay between refreshes
- Fixed members without voting rights being asked to vote on a proposal
Linux client fixes[]
- No linux client specific fixes in this version
- 1.12.0(10) August 18, 2006[]
New features[]
- New Sell Land interface
- Specify sell price, Sell To resident, and sale of objects all simultaneously
- Residents muse specify a specific resident or manually select "Sell to Anyone" before the dialog is completed
- This new interface should greatly reduce accidental land sales
- "Freeze Frame" toggle added to snapshots
- Remove checkbox to restore old snapshot behavior
- Selection effect particles can now be disabled independently (Tools->Show Selection Beam)
Other changes[]
- Officers can only assign members to roles they themselves are currently in
- "Bypass FOO Restriction" renamed to "Always allow FOO"
- Renamed to "Assign/Remove Abilities"
- Renamed ability to "Invite people to this group"
- "Edit Land" is now "Edit Terrain"
- "Show in Group List" checked by default
- Owner and Everyone roles cannot be renamed
- Friends list now shows when edit rights are granted
- Temp vehicles are not reclaimed until all passengers unsit
- Altered formula for temp-on-rez limits (generally to be more permissive)
- Improved wording of error message while joining parcels on an estate (parcels must be owned by estate owner)
- Parcel joins and subdivides uncheck the For Sale box
- Reversed positions of "Take Copy" and "Wear" in pie menu
- Icon for push restriction added
- Default attach point is now the right hand
- In-world links to the Forums and Wiki now point to the Knowledge Base and Blogs
- Ban list now disables when a parcel is sold
- Group "Actions" are now group "Abilities"
- Group role list sorted alphabetically
- Clicking in text fields in Edit Tools selects the input position without highlighting the entire field
- Ctrl-F now puts keyboard focus on the Find text box
- Added art for eyedropper
- Covenants are visible to anyone
- "No Fly" is visible in God mode
Bug fixes[]
- Fixed script issues caused by a change in dataserver process
- Fixed newly-created script inside object contents starting as fully permissive
- Fixed group members unable to modify group notecards
- Fixed owner Profile button for group-owned objects
- Fixed displayed permissions for group-owned objects
- Fixed several cases where members couldn't modify group information, permissions, scripts, etc.
- Fixed tracking residents via Show on Map
- Fixed default button highlighted while other button selected
- Fixed button states during mouseovers
- Fixed dragging item into object contents
- Fixed a simulator crash with notices
- Fixed persistence of Global Time in Region/Estate
- Fixed an error with object contents' New Script button
- Fixed "Assign Members to Roles" description
- Fixed incoming IMs stealing focus from Abuse and Bug reports
- Fixed a client crash with "Set Scripts Not Running in Selection"
- Fixed texture permissions with "Set to Group" objects
- Fixed alignment of Search window panels
- Improved detection of rapid mouse clicks
- Camera and movement controls do not gain keyboard focus
- Camera and movement controls persist across sessions
- Fixed a client crash while connecting to downed simulator
- Improved appearance of text for group notice attachments
- Fixed a client crash with F1 Help
- Frontmost floater gets Return key only if it has keyboard focus
- Fixed proposals not appearing on proposal list
- Improved appearance of alpha objects in Object Silhouette mode
- Objects with "No Copy" permissions should delete to owner
- Fixed client crash with chat bar and "Kick user from estate"
- Fixed notices failing for large groups
- Corrected appearance of "Create New Notice" button
- Fixed notices incorrectly stating that they had an attachment
- Fixed dates shown in group notices (off by one month)
- Fixed Name and Description highlighting after Return is pressed
- Fixed Z-coordinate in classified ads
- Fixed Create Notice UI remaining open after notice is sent
- "Manipulate group-owned objects" is no longer a requirement to set group-owned objects For Sale
- Fixed LSL XML-RPC for attachments breaking on teleport
- Members' allowed actions are updated when an action is removed
- Fixed returned object continuing to affect sim prim usage
- Number of assigned roles is hidden if zero or one exist
- Fixed color issue in groups UI
- Proposals now close properly after the last member votes
- Crash Reporter remembers its previous settings
- Fixed Group requesting confirmation of no change
- Fixed client crash and asset loss while editing complex objects
- Fixed artifacts in LOD changes
- Dragging past the end of a text field no longer scrolls the text
- Aspect ratio corrects when toggling fullscreen
- Edit menu now has a detach option for skirt layers
- Fixed a cause of slow rezzing of textures and tree details
- Fixed an issue that would prevent simstate autosaves
Linux client fixes[]
- No linux client specific fixes in this version
- 1.12.0(9) August 11, 2006[]
Bug fixes[]
- Fixed a bug causing region crossing performance to degrade in 1.11
- Resolved several exploits
- Everyone Group powers and title can now be changed
- Refresh Group Information if an Apply or OK action fails
- Members' allowed Actions update when an Action has been removed
- Bottom panel now cleared after a role is deleted
Linux client fixes[]
- No linux client specific fixes in this version
- 1.12.0(8) August 8, 2006[]
Other changes[]
- Default attachment point changed from head to right hand
Bug fixes[]
- Role changes are now reflected immediately
- Fixed text in several windows and improved tool tips
- Several actions have been updated so that the Apply button can be used when modifying them
- Group creation failure no longer charges you for creating group
- Group information now refreshed each time the window is opened
- Client no longer crashes when quiting Second Life with Group Change window open
- Client no longer crashes when copying a selection in the Create menu
- Multi-selecting users and assigning roles no longer fails
- Clicking Cancel when changes need to be applied no longer stops Second Life client from closing
- Added warning dialogs to some new Group actions that were unclear before
- 1.12.0(7) August 3, 2006[]
Other changes[]
- Added ability to deny access to Parcels/Estates based on Pay Info Level
- Group-owned objects can now use llInstantMessage
- Groups can be muted
- Group membership now uses the membership fee at the time of invitation instead of the fee at the time invitation is accepted
- Promoting group members to Owner now warns user that this change is irreversible
Bug fixes[]
- All objects in your inventory are able to be rezzed
- Crossing a region into a parcel where you are banned no longer causes avatar to float through parcel or go into orbit
- Fields in the Groups > Roles window are now disabled for those who are not allowed to access them
- Corrected issue causing Estate Owners to get unexpected results when teleporting to a parcel where they are banned on their estate
- Last item in a list can once again be highlighted and selected
- "My Active Title" is now displayed correctly for members with only the "Everyone" role
- Role titles now properly displayed in Members & Roles > Roles subtab
- Group now becomes active after joining
- Group profile window is no longer blank
- Declined objects are correctly removed from recipients inventory
- Delete key now works as expected in the Tools > Edit window
- Client no longer crashes when right clicking certain parcels
- llGiveInventory from a group owned objects now report correct owner
- Member is first removed from all roles when ejected, then from group list
- Member is first removed from all roles when leaving a group, then removed from group list
- Role names, titles, and descriptions fields are disabled for members that cannot modify those values.
- Group names cannot be shorter than 4 characters or longer than 35 characters
- Abandoned parcels on the mainland now properly report owner as 'Governor Linden'
- Client no longer crashes when user selects land over two parcels, then clicks "About Land"
- Updated UI to indicate that Groups are limited to 10 roles
- Autoreturn settings can now be changed
- User is now notified when receiving snapshots, notecards, and landmarks
- Apply now updates all changed elements in a window
- Errors while ejecting multiple members nows give the correct error message
- Group Info window no longer stops updating after refresh
Linux client fixes[]
- No linux client specific fixes in this version
- 1.12.0(6) July 27, 2006[]
Other changes[]
- Provided greater visibility for any fee incurred while joining a group
- Groups are limited to a total of ten roles: one Everyone role and nine custom roles
- The "owner" role counts as a custom role for these purposes
Bug fixes[]
- Correct various "Apply" buttons to grey out once clicked
- Proposals cannot be submitted without a description
- Group membership allows you to run scripted attachments on group-owned land
- The last owner of a group cannot leave without selecting a successor
- Group-owned objects appear as "owned" in About Land -> Objects when on group owned land
- Clicking the "Create Proposal" button now changes the window title
- Joining/leaving a group now updates currently shown groups
- Residents added to the group invitees list can now be removed as an invitee
- Added text explaining that bold names in Group Information are owners
- Tab visibility changes with a member's group powers
- Fixed a viewer crash related to group role assignments
- Improved behavior of "Receive Group Notices"
- Ctrl-D (duplicate) now works on group-owned objects with the proper permissions
- Group members can now remove themselves from the Owners role
- Fixed a viewer crash related to group invites
- 1.12.0(5) July 25, 2006[]
Other changes[]
- Group powers to return objects from parcels are divided based on Owned by group, Set to group, and Not group related
Bug fixes[]
- Fixed a crash bug caused by minimizing a group dialog box
- Fixed several permissions bugs with group-owned objects and parcels
- Group members now require "land allow set home" permission to set home points on group land
- Land owners can always fly on their parcel (unless the entire sim restricts flight)
- Fixed a bug that caused the Create Group dialog to discard all data if the group name already exists
- Group role changes are now activated immediately for all members (without relogging)
- 1.12.0(4) July 20, 2006[]
- Fixed an issue that caused the Auto Updater to fail
- 1.12.0(3) July 20, 2006[]
Other changes[]
- Estate > Covenant tab now has a Help button
- Font information for scroll list headers can now be provided by the user
Bug fixes[]
- Parcel no longer shows some for sale information when allow transfer is turned off for an estate
- Estate land sales no longer fail silently when allow transfer is turned off for an estate
- Resolved numerous issues with scroll lists causing information not to load or be displayed improperly
- 1.12.0(2) July 14, 2006[]
Other Changes[]
- Added "Owner" next to names in General list for owners of a group
- Improved look and feel of several windows
- Allow Land Transfer help wording has been improved
Bug fixes[]
- Covenants are now visible to all users
- Group Information window now has a refresh button
- Group contribution no longer displayed as a negative number
- For Sale status of land on an Estate no longer lost when region is restarted
- Mainland parcels now displayed in map overlay regardless of your location
- Bypass Create Landmark action now functions correctly
- Residents can now retrieve no-modify objects they own from other people's parcels
Linux client fixes[]
- Linux client package now runs
- 1.12.0(1) June 28, 2006[]
- Support for Covenants
- Covenants may now be associated with Estates
- These documents detail land use rules and restrictions
- Available in About Land
- Estate Land Sales
- Estate owners/managers are now able to sell land to other Residents for L$
- "Allow Land Transfer" option in 'Region/Estate > General' tab enables Estate Owners and Managers to sell parcels, and buyers to resell them
- Estate owners/managers may specify rules for land sale and usage in Covenants
- Buyers of the land on private estates may be limited in their ability to re-sell land depending on settings determined by Estate owner/manager
- Group Enhancements
- Group limit per user increased from 15 to 25
- Group member minimum reduced from 3 to 2
- The group information user interface has been redesigned
- Group Notices
- Group notices can be created in the 'Group Information > Notices' tab
- Group notices can include an attachment
- Group notices are sent to all group members
- Members may opt to not receive these notices in the 'Group Information > General' tab
- Members can browse the last 30 days of notice history
- Members with IM to Email set will receive these notices offline
- Group Roles
- Groups can be configured using the 'Group Information > Members & Roles' tab
- A group is now composed of up to 10 user-configured Roles
- Residents may hold more than one Role in a group
- Each role can be configured to allow certain group Actions
- Each role gets its own title
- Members of a group are assigned to Roles to define the Actions they can perform in that group
- Group members are always a part of that group's 'Everyone' role
- Example:
- Current groups have two Roles: 'Everyone' and 'Officer'
- All group members can do Actions allowed by the 'Everyone' role, such as voting on proposals
- Only group members assigned to the 'Officer' role can do Actions such as invite new members
- Groups now have a special role: 'Owner'
- 'Owners' have full control over the group, but cannot remove other 'Owners'
- Current groups will have members selected to be 'Owners' based on the first to match these rules:
- 1) A founder in the group
- 2) Officers with 512 or more sq. m. land contributed
- 3) All officers
- 4) Nobody (no 'Owner' role is created)
LSL changes[]
- LSL Wiki: llGiveInventory works on group owned objects
- LSL Wiki: llGiveInventoryList works on group owned objects
- LSL Wiki: llRemoteLoadScriptPin works on group owned objects
Other changes[]
- Group elections have been removed
- "Grant Modify Rights" has been changed to be more comprehensive
- You can now allow the person being granted rights greater freedom of modification
- The 'Run Scripts' checkbox has been split into 'Run Group Scripts' and 'Run Other Scripts'.
- A parcel with 'Run Other Scripts' will run all scripts.
- A parcel with 'Run Group Scripts' will run scripts on objects set to the same group that the parcel is set to.
- Group-owned objects that you have control over are now highlighted on the mini-map.
Bug fixes[]
- LSL Wiki: llLoadURL now displays name of group in dialog, if used on a group owned object