Second Life Wiki
Release Notes
Closed Beta
Version 0.1.0
Version 0.2.0
Version 0.3.0
Version 0.4.0
Open Beta
Version 0.5.0
Version 0.6.0
Version 0.9.0
Version 1.0.0
Version 1.1.0
Version 1.2.0
Version 1.3.0
Version 1.4.0
Version 1.5.0
Version 1.6.0
Version 1.7.0
Version 1.8.0
Version 1.9.0
Version 1.10.0
Version 1.11.0
Version 1.12.0
Version 1.13.0
Version 1.14.0
Version 1.15.0
Version 1.16.0
Version 1.17.0
Version 1.18.0

Note: On July 10th, 2006 (7/10/06) it was announced that Version 1.10.6 would be released instead of 1.11. 1.11 was originaly schedualed to be released on July 12th, 2006 and was post-poned.

Final Release Notes for Second Life 1.11[]

- 1.11.0(11) July 21, 2006[]

Bug fixes[]

  • Resolved a bug that caused script events to be triggered on region crossing
  • Fixed a bug that caused Estate Tools to return objects other than those selected
  • Fixed a bug that dropped focus while deleting a (no copy) object
  • Fixed a bug that caused the parcel Ban list to clear
  • Fixed a viewer crash/lockup caused by viewing profiles
  • Fixed a viewer crash when double-clicking a group in the "My Land..." window
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Delete key to incorrectly delete an object when editing text values in the Edit window

Linux client fixes[]

  • No linux client specific fixes in this release

- 1.11.0(10) July 19, 2006[]

Bug fixes[]

  • Resolved a simulator crash caused by script emails
  • Fixed a bug where poseballs and vehichles would stop working after region restart

- 1.11.0(9) July 19, 2006[]


  • Zoomable UI
    • The entire UI can be scaled (including in-world text, manipulators, etc) by a user-supplied scale value (Preferences->Graphics->UI Size)
    • When running fullscreen, the additional option "Use resolution independent scale" should ensure that the UI looks the same at all resolutions
    • Additionally, changing to a resolution with a different aspect ratio than your monitor's aspect ratio should not result in any squashing or stretching of your display
  • Improved Snapshot functionality
    • When taking a snapshot, the world will freeze in place and the snapshot will be previewed over the entire screen (but under UI elements)
    • The camera tool will be active by default, allowing you to click and drag to move the camera around while objects/avatars/etc are frozen in place, without having to hold down ALT
    • You can also change snapshot parameters (resolution, JPEG compression level) and the snapshot will update on the fly
    • Any time the camera moves or a parameter is changed, the existing snapshot will "drop" away and be replaced by a new one
    • You can also take snapshot of arbitrary resolution, up to 6000x6000
      • Be aware that the larger the snapshot is, the more system resources are needed to create it -- you can potentially run out of memory and crash if taking very large snapshots on a low-end system
  • Eyedropper tool
    • Added the ability to pick colors and textures from objects in view (and that you own) inside the color picker and texture picker
    • When depressed, the button changes the mouse cursor and activates a "pipette" or "eyedropper" tool
    • The user can then click on another object in world to grab the texture/color of the face that they clicked
  • Gestural pie menus
    • Pie menus now provide a gradually faded border when the right mouse button is down to suggest that you can use them by moving the mouse in a given direction, which is faster and easier than clicking on a pie wedge directly
    • Also, pie sub-menus can be accessed with gestures, making it possible to chain gestures together to perform any operation in the pie menu by memory
  • Tear-off menus
    • Added ability to click on a double line at the top of any menu or sub-menu and pin it in place on the UI as a "floater"
    • All of the menu items should still work, as well as branching menus, etc.
    • Closing the floater will make it disappear
    • Accessing a detached menu via its parent menu will bring the floating menu to the foreground, but not reposition it

Other changes[]

  • Usability changes to Find/Search menu
    • "Find" has been renamed "Search" in the Toolbar, Edit menu, Directory window, and F1 Help
    • Search is still opened with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-F
    • Searches defaults to "Show Mature Content ON" for sims, parcels, events, classifieds, etc.
    • The "Name" column for each listing of returned search results is now wider.
    • The second column for each listing of returned search results (i.e. Dwell, Price, etc.) has its font size reduced to make additional space
  • Improved text field support for INSERT key
  • "Avatar" ruler mode has been changed to "Attachment" ruler mode
    • Attachment rotations in "Attachment" ruler mode are relative to the attach point instead of the root of the avatar
    • This should make adjusting attachments easier without using "pose stands"
  • Ctrl-tab moves keyboard focus between UI floaters
  • Tab key moves focus to the toolbar if nothing else has focus
  • Dragging an inventory item over the scrollbar allows you to directly scroll the inventory window
  • Hitting Enter when the chat line is blank will close the chat bar

Bug fixes[]

  • Scrolling windows should no longer catch scrolling events when they're not the active window
  • Fixed a bug that caused the fullscreen/windowed shortcut (Alt-Enter) to work incorrectly
  • Landowners can no longer ban themselves from their own land based on payment information
  • Fixed snapshot previews in Bug Reports and Postcards
  • Changing the snapshot resolution causes the previously captured image to disappear
  • Snapshot mode is automatically exited when teleporting
  • Fixed a bug that caused snapshot buttons to become greyed out when zooming
  • Fixed a bug with zoomed snapshots
  • Fixed a bug that caused the UI to blur in a screenshot
  • Fixed a bug that caused the UI and HUDs to tile in high-res snapshots
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Texture Picker to automatically select a texture
  • Fixed a bug with the sky when right-clicking objects in the dark
  • Fixed a bug that caused uploaded textures to preview incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug that caused the edit window to be dragged to the bottom of the screen when minimized
  • Nametags now scale properly with UI changes
  • Changed UI Scale label to be consistent across the interface
  • Objects can now be dragged from Recent Items to All Items
  • Mouselook mode works correctly when exiting snapshot mode
  • Removed extraneous headers from Estate -> Debug -> Top Scripts / Top Colliders
  • Fixed the interface tiling when taking high-res snapshots
  • Fixed an ugly rectangle around the Terms of Service buttons
  • Fixed a column width issue with Land Sales
  • Removed the option to flag a Teen Second Life event as Mature
  • Fixed a bug that caused UI elements to scale incorrectly when changing windowed resolutions
  • Fixed a bug that caused a blank Friends list
  • Improved font rendering for UI, HUD, and avatar names
  • Region/Estate -> Debug -> Top Colliders now displays properly
  • Improved UI font scaling to better match window scaling
  • Improved UI appearance at 800x600 resolution
  • Help -> About Second Life displays the proper information
  • Fixed several bugs with snapshots and HUDs
  • Fixed a crash issue with snapshots
  • Snapshot buttons are no longer clipped
  • Fixed a glowing eyes issue with Bump Mapped avatar rendering
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Color Picker text values to have no effect
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Chat bar to appear when other windows had focus
  • Fixed a bug that caused chat bubbles to go offscreen
  • Fixed a bug that caused inventory Rename to lose keyboard focus
  • Script comments are once again orange
  • Profile can now be viewed after searching for one Resident in the finder
  • Preferences > Network > Clear Cache > Apply no longer starts parcel music stream
  • Fixed a bug where objects specifically requested to be returned were skipped if an avatar was sitting on them
  • Autoreturn now functions properly after a parcel is subdivided
  • Parcel object limits are calculated properly when a parcel is subdivided and claimed by a new owner.
  • Terms of Service defaults to "I Disagree"

MacOS client fixes[]

  • Resolved an Intel Mac crash issue

Linux client fixes[]

  • No linux client specific fixes in this release

Undocumented Features/Changes[]

  • Improved prim accounting on parcels
    • Counts are correct within 1 frame of the simulator (typically 1/45th of a second)
    • The categories for prims on a parcel are: Owner, Group, Other, Selected. The Selected category is new and includes selected objects as well as objects being used as seats (such as vehicles).
    • Going over limit with selected objects will not trigger object returns... until they are no longer selected.
    • When a parcel owner is over their limit the objects will be returned youngest first in order of Other, Group, Owner. This is NOT new, but mentioned here for completeness.
    • An object's age on a parcel now survives parcel change of owner, division, and join.
    • Temporary primitives are also limited on parcels, based on the parcel area. The formula is: temp_prim_limit = 0.5 * regular_prim_limit + 20 or 500 whichver is smaller.
    • [See Forum Link: Andrew Linden mentions missed documentation ]

Preview 1.11.0[]

- 1.11.0(8) July 17, 2006[]

Other changes[]

  • Reversed some code changes from the previous release that require additional testing

- 1.11.0(7) July 14, 2006[]

Bug fixes[]

  • Scrolling windows should no longer catch scrolling events when they're not the active window
  • Fixed a bug that caused the fullscreen/windowed shortcut (Alt-Enter) to work incorrectly

Linux client fixes[]

  • No linux client specific fixes in this release

- 1.11.0(6) July 13, 2006[]

Other changes[]

  • Usability changes to Find/Search menu
    • "Find" has been renamed "Search" in the Toolbar, Edit menu, Directory window, and F1 Help
    • Search is still opened with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-F
    • Searches defaults to "Show Mature Content ON" for sims, parcels, events, classifieds, etc.
    • The "Name" column for each listing of returned search results is now wider.
    • The second column for each listing of returned search results (i.e. Dwell, Price, etc.) has its font size reduced to make additional space

Bug fixes[]

  • Landowners can no longer ban themselves from their own land based on payment information
  • Fixed snapshot previews in Bug Reports and Postcards
  • Changing the snapshot resolution causes the previously captured image to disappear
  • Snapshot mode is automatically exited when teleporting
  • Mouselook mode works correctly when exiting snapshot mode
  • Removed extraneous headers from Estate -> Debug -> Top Scripts / Top Colliders
  • Fixed the interface tiling when taking high-res snapshots
  • Fixed an ugly rectangle around the Terms of Service buttons
  • Fixed a column width issue with Land Sales
  • Removed the option to flag a Teen Second Life event as Mature
  • Fixed a bug that caused UI elements to scale incorrectly when changing windowed resolutions
  • Fixed a bug that caused a blank Friends list
  • Improved font rendering for UI, HUD, and avatar names

Linux client fixes[]

  • No linux client specific fixes in this release

- 1.11.0(3) July 7, 2006[]

Bug fixes[]

  • Terms of Service defaults to "I Disagree"

Linux client fixes[]

  • No linux client specific fixes in this release

- 1.11.0(2) July 7, 2006[]

Bug fixes[]

  • Fixed a bug that caused snapshot buttons to become greyed out when zooming
  • Fixed a bug with zoomed snapshots
  • Fixed a bug that caused the UI to blur in a screenshot
  • Fixed a bug that caused the UI and HUDs to tile in high-res snapshots
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Texture Picker to automatically select a texture
  • Fixed a bug with the sky when right-clicking objects in the dark
  • Fixed a bug that caused uploaded textures to preview incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug that caused the edit window to be dragged to the bottom of the screen when minimized
  • Nametags now scale properly with UI changes
  • Changed UI Scale label to be consistent across the interface
  • Objects can now be dragged from Recent Items to All Items
  • Region/Estate -> Debug -> Top Colliders now displays properly
  • Resolved an Intel Mac crash issue

Linux client fixes[]

  • No linux client specific fixes in this release

- 1.11.0(1) July 6, 2006[]

Bug fixes[]

  • Improved UI font scaling to better match window scaling
  • Improved UI appearance at 800x600 resolution
  • Help -> About Second Life displays the proper information
  • Fixed several bugs with snapshots and HUDs
  • Fixed a crash issue with snapshots
  • Snapshot buttons are no longer clipped
  • Fixed a glowing eyes issue with Bump Mapped avatar rendering
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Color Picker text values to have no effect
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Chat bar to appear when other windows had focus
  • Fixed a bug that caused chat bubbles to go offscreen
  • Fixed a bug that caused inventory Rename to lose keyboard focus
  • Script comments are once again orange

Linux client fixes[]

  • No linux client specific fixes in this release

- 1.11.0(0) June 29, 2006[]


  • Zoomable UI
    • The entire UI can be scaled (including in-world text, manipulators, etc) by a user-supplied scale value (Preferences->Graphics->UI Size)
    • When running fullscreen, the additional option "Use resolution independent scale" should ensure that the UI looks the same at all resolutions
    • Additionally, changing to a resolution with a different aspect ratio than your monitor's aspect ratio should not result in any squashing or stretching of your display
  • Improved Snapshot functionality
    • When taking a snapshot, the world will freeze in place and the snapshot will be previewed over the entire screen (but under UI elements)
    • The camera tool will be active by default, allowing you to click and drag to move the camera around while objects/avatars/etc are frozen in place, without having to hold down ALT
    • You can also change snapshot parameters (resolution, JPEG compression level) and the snapshot will update on the fly
    • Any time the camera moves or a parameter is changed, the existing snapshot will "drop" away and be replaced by a new one
    • You can also take snapshot of arbitrary resolution, up to 6000x6000
      • Be aware that the larger the snapshot is, the more system resources are needed to create it -- you can potentially run out of memory and crash if taking very large snapshots on a low-end system
  • Eyedropper tool
    • Added the ability to pick colors and textures from objects in view (and that you own) inside the color picker and texture picker
    • When depressed, the button changes the mouse cursor and activates a "pipette" or "eyedropper" tool
    • The user can then click on another object in world to grab the texture/color of the face that they clicked
  • Gestural pie menus
    • Pie menus now provide a gradually faded border when the right mouse button is down to suggest that you can use them by moving the mouse in a given direction, which is faster and easier than clicking on a pie wedge directly
    • Also, pie sub-menus can be accessed with gestures, making it possible to chain gestures together to perform any operation in the pie menu by memory
  • Tear-off menus
    • Added ability to click on a double line at the top of any menu or sub-menu and pin it in place on the UI as a "floater"
    • All of the menu items should still work, as well as branching menus, etc.
    • Closing the floater will make it disappear
    • Accessing a detached menu via it's parent menu will bring the floating menu to the foreground, but not reposition it

Other changes[]

  • Improved text field support for INSERT key

Bug fixes[]

  • Profile can now be viewed after searching for one Resident in the finder
  • Preferences > Network > Clear Cache > Apply no longer starts parcel music stream

Linux client fixes[]

  • No linux client specific fixes in this release