Second Life Wiki

Second Life Town Halls were held somewhat on a regularly basis from 2003-2007 between Linden Lab staff and the general community. The format is usually an opening speech about the current status of Second Life and either where it's headed or what the Town Hall is being held for. After the short opening, questions are either asked in the open or directed to a specific person via instant message and then answered by the key speaker.

Below is a list of every Town Hall found on the forums. If others are found, or new ones "recorded", please add them. Any Town Hall with just a date and no added explanation means it was a "regular" Town Hall with Philip Linden (CEO Philip Rosedale) as the key speaker.

Please order articles from oldest on top to newest on bottom.

For Town Halls that took place on the Teen Grid see Teen Town Halls. As of 2007, Linden Lab decided to no longer host Town Halls anymore.




