Second Life Wiki



The Netharian Union was formed after the closure of the wraith group after it had been reactivated and then went inactive shortly after, The return of Krypton Alchemi marked the reactivation of The Netharian Union. owning 11k of mizithra, 45k of carroll, and various other land. Minerva and 11th do not like us at all, as it seems, they raid daily. After recent conflicts between the two leaders of the Union, equal power has been restored, The union was founded 11/17/09 and is still standing, with over 10 troops on base at any one time during the daylight hours.



Netharian Weapons: Steyr Aug (Infantry Division), Tavor M8 (infantry division), MP5A (Aerial), Famas (All), UMP(All)

Netharian Vehicles: Agratorian (Aerial)

Netharian Armor: Tatical(All), Gasmask(All) Soldier cap(All)




Over the recent weeks, the Netharian Union has grown massively, and has earned most of the grid wanting it to be dead, Minerva and 11th lead countless assaults on us as well with some ASR backup troops, but once we have Catalyst here, the tides turn to where the assault dives off,


Aerial Legion: The aerial legion is the pilots sector, where pilots are trained to fight in extreme anti aircraft situations and to become an fighter pilot ace, the main purpose of this division is to provide air support to our troops.

Infantry Legion: The infantry legion is the main division, having the most members, to get into the infantry legion, you must be trained into a loyal, leathal, ground unit, These guys have the heaviest weaponry, and are the best fighters usually in The Netharian military.

Recent Activities:

Nothing special has occurred within the hive, but a few sparring events and then, the take down of our other leader and then all other military groups started to die...someone is behind this....Spy elimination process initiated.


Closure, after two month's of endurement of the harsh conditions on the teen grid, Netharian has thrived, and continues to grow and expand
