Role-play refers to acting out in a particular character, most particularly the words and customs of that character. Actions that are out of character or OOC are generally required to be noted in some way, or used in some other mode of communication. Almost allof Second Life can be described as role-play, but within Second Life it refers to a restricted environment where explicit or implicit rules of conduct are given. It is also used to describe a setting where role-play is expected, such as refer to Gor as "a role-play."
Common role-plays in Second Life are associated with BDSM, military, dark urban, or high fantasy settings. Gor, Star Wars and Star Trek are all common role-plays that focus on specific media themes. Furry is another prevalent role-play.
Within Second Life there are many levels of role-playing, with many meanings. Though on the most basic level, it has to do with playing a character while engaging in social interaction. Some would say that going to a renaissance sim, dressed to fit the part, and standing around a courtyard or forest, instead of an info hub, and casually talking about their day, is role-playing.
On a more involved level, a role-player might have done some research. Filled out a character biography sheet. This is a notecard where the role-player describes their characters; wants, likes, dislikes, background, and any other information that might help form the character. Some sims, like Toxian City, players are given a sample biography sheet to help them form their character. Other sims, W.O.H. (World of Hogwarts) for example has those wanting to join the role-play submit a biography/character sheet.
Life styling is different from role-playing, as some might say. Those within a certain role play will separate themselves from those called role players. Usually, players in Gor or Furry role-plays will use the phrase lifestyle to show their commitment. These people have been involved in their role-play for a long time and have engrossed themselves in it. In this context, the term role-player is used to separate the boys from the men, so to speak.
See also Combat Roleplay.
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