A lot of the records provided here are from a forum thread with posts by residents, the forum thread is located here: "SL History Wiki debuts!"
If you have any disputes or content to add to these records and for some reason cannot do it yourself, or are not sure where to put new records, please contact Oz Spade.
Thank you to everyone who helped (and continue to help) with this.
To qualify as a "first" the first must be something that is significant to the community, impacts it in some way, or some other tremendous act or break-through. This is to limit the lists in some way. All other previously stated Firsts will be kept even if they don't keep up to this rule. Examples: Good First: Making a breakthrough with LSL to make listening easier. Bad First: Poke Philip Linden.
General Firsts[]
- Grid/World Firsts - Firsts for the grid/world itself.
- Two Or More Firsts - Firsts that involve two or more people or groups.
- One Person Firsts - Firsts one person has achieved (may or may not be on their own).
- Event Firsts - Firsts for events or relating to events.
- RL Firsts - Outside of the SL world or in RL but yet still related or for SL.
Building Firsts[]
- General Building Firsts - General building stuff that didn't really have another category.
- Building Vehicles Firsts - Vehicles and other various forms of transportation.
- Building Locations Firsts - Locations, houses, clubs, and other things like that.
- Building Avatars Firsts - Avatar creations or things built for avatars as attachments.
Scripting Firsts[]
- General Scripting Firsts - General scripting stuff that didn't really have another category.
- Scripting Media Firsts - Texture and sound related scripting firsts.
- Scripting Avatars Firsts - Avatar attachments and other related avatar scripts.
- Scripting Gaming Firsts - All types of gaming related scripting firsts.
- Scripting Vehicles Firsts - Vehicles and other various forms of transportation.
- Scripting Combat Firsts - Combat-related scripting firsts, weapons, shields and the like.
Clothing/Texture Firsts[]
- Clothing Firsts - Clothing-related firsts