Second Life Wiki
Second Life Wiki
The file menu is part of Second Life's user interface and contains the following menu options:
  • Upload Image (L$10)... (Ctrl-U) - Allows the resident to select a texture which will be shown in a preview window which allows the resident to see how the image may look on different surfaces (including avatars, which makes it good for previewing clothing). From the preview window, the resident can then upload the image from the resident's hard drive for 10L$. SL supports JPG, BMP, and TGA file types, all of which are formated and saved to JPEG2000 upon upload to SL's servers. Images are then placed in the resident's Inventory > Textures folder.
  • Upload Sound (L$10)... - Uploads a single sound from the resident's hard drive for 10L$ to the resident's "Sound" folder. [Need sound requirements.]
  • Upload Animation (L$10)... - The resident may select a single BVH file for previewing in the Animation Preview window which allows the user to further tweak the animation and how it will work in-world. The animation can then be uploaded for 10L$ and will appear in the resident's "Animation" folder.
  • Bulk Upload (L$10 per file)... - Multiple textures and sounds can be selected for upload, no preview is given, and 10L$ is charged per file.

  • Close Window (Ctrl-W) - Closes the window in Second Life that currently has focus (for example hitting Ctrl-W while Chat History has focus will close it).

  • Save Texture As - If the resident is viewing a texture from inventory (by double-clicking it) and that texture is transferable, this menu option allows the texture to be saved to the resident's hard drive.

  • Take Snapshot (Ctrl-Shift-S) - Takes a screenshot of what the resident currently sees and opens up the Snapshot Preview window.
  • Snapshot to Disk (`) - Takes a screenshot and saves it to disk in BMP format with a number appended to the end of the screenshot's name (i.e. "Snapshot_001.bmp"). If it is the first time the resident takes a snapshot to disk since SL has been restarted, a window will pop up asking where the resident wants to save the screenshot and what to name it.

  • Start/Stop Movie to Disk (Ctrl-Shift-A) - Starts/stops a built in video capture feature of SL. If it is the first time the resident is using it since SL last restarted, a window will pop up asking what format to capture the movie as, where to save it, and what to name it. When stopped, the movie is saved as the given name, or if the resident has done more than one movie and has not restarted SL, it will be saved as something like "SLmovie_001.avi".
  • Set Window Size - Gives another menu from which the resident can select what resolution to run SL at (800x600, 1024x760, or whatever the video/graphics card supports).

  • Quit (Ctrl-Q) - Exits Second Life, closing the program without further prompt.
19UI FileMenu

File Menu
